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      Mako Total Knee Replacement

      Mako Total Knee: Key Points

      Mako Total Knee Replacement Machine by Stryker
      • Total knee replacements in the United States are expected to increase by 189% by 20301, yet studies have shown that approximately 30 percent of patients are dissatisfied after conventional surgery.2
      • Mako Total Knee transforms the way total knee replacements are performed.
      • Through CT-based 3D modeling of bone anatomy, surgeons can use the Mako System to create a personalized surgical plan and identify the implant size, orientation and alignment based on each patient’s unique anatomy. The Mako System also enables surgeons to virtually modify the surgical plan intraoperatively and assists them in executing bone resections.
      • The Mako Total Knee application is a knee replacement treatment option designed to relieve the pain caused by joint degeneration due to osteoarthritis.
      • Mako Total Knee combines Stryker’s advanced robotic technology with its clinically proven GetAroundKnee, Triathlon Total Knee System, which enabled surgeons to have a more predictable surgical experience with increased accuracy during laboratory testing.3
      • The Mako Total Knee application was designed based on the clinically successful Mako Partial Knee and Mako Total Hip applications. Mako Robotic Arm Assisted Surgery enables surgeons to have a more predictable surgical experience and offers them a leadership advantage in our evolving healthcare environment.
      • At the time of its commercial launch in March 2017, more than 1,400 Mako Total Knee surgeries had been performed in 65 hospitals in four countries, including the United States, Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.4
      • In 2017, the Mako System became the first and only robotic technology that can be used across the joint replacement service line to perform total knee, total hip and partial knee replacements.
      • Since 2007, more than 100,000 total procedures, including total knee, partial knee and total hip replacements have been performed with Mako.4



      1. AAOS. The projected volume of primary and revision total joint replacement in the U.S. 2030 to 2060. https://aaos-annualmeeting-presskit.org/2018/research-news/sloan_tjr/. Accessed May 9, 2018.
      2. Christiaan Keurentjes J, Fiocco M, So-Osman C, et al. Patients with severe radiographic osteoarthritis have a better prognosis in physical functioning after hip and knee replacement: a cohort study. PLOS One. 2013; 8(4): 1-8.
      3. Hampp EL, Scholl LY, Prieto M, Chang T, Abbasi AZ, Bhowmik-Stoker M, Otto JK, Jacofsky DJ, Mont MA. “Accuracy Assessment of Robotic and Manual TKA in a Cadaveric Model.” Robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty demonstrated greater accuracy to plan compared to manual technique. ORS 2017 Annual Meeting. San Diego. Poster No.2412.
      4. Stryker Sales Data.


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